Journey mapping // Teach HQ

One of my goals for this year is to streamline the process and improve the experience of Monash University educators and others who engage engage with the outputs (products and services) from projects that I lead and contribute to, specifically Be inspired and Teach HQ by Monash Learning and Teaching.

It’s not an insignificant task and I’m not starting from scratch, but the big challenge for me is to successfully connect all of the disparate processes and closely-related activities, as well as connect the three different teams (MEA, MEI and EDD) within the portfolio at different stages of the journey.

Educator journey map

I worked with other leads and contributors from within the portfolio for a discovery session, which is resulted in a full and rich whiteboard that mapped the educator journey – great stuff!

The 5E (Entice, Enter, Engage, Exit and Extend) based customer journey map scribbled and scrawled on a whiteboard.

Whiteboarding is a great first step to get ideas down. For more flexibility and to better support iteration and input from others something more shareable and collaborative was needed – I went with a Figma-based Figjam to map out the journey!

Figjam was perfect for highly interactive collaborative sessions, but something else a little less messy is needed – I went with a Figma-based design file to map the journey!

Next steps are visualise the educator journey as a service blueprint – this is crucial because there are temporal events e.g., social media posts, workshops, webinars, release of content and learning and teaching festival, that require unique efforts from each team across the continuum of 2023.

Service blueprint

A rudimentary whiteboard version of the service blueprint for Teach HQ, Be inspired and MEA events.
